Class Gizmos4
General editing-aid when working for gizmos in 4D
public static class Gizmos4
Namespace Engine4.Rendering
Set the gizmo color used to draw next gizmos.
public static Color color { get; set; }
Set the gizmo matrix used to draw all gizmos.
public static Matrix4x5 matrix { get; set; }
DrawCube(Vector4, Vector4)
Draw a solid box with center and size.
public static void DrawCube(Vector4 center, Vector4 size)
DrawFrustum(Vector4, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Draw a camera frustum using the currently set Gizmos.matrix for it's location and rotation.
public static void DrawFrustum(Vector4 center, float min, float max, float focal, float perspectiveness)
DrawLine(Vector4, Vector4)
Draws a line starting at from towards to
public static void DrawLine(Vector4 from, Vector4 to)
DrawRay(Vector4, Vector4)
Draws a ray starting at from to from + direction
public static void DrawRay(Vector4 from, Vector4 direction)
Draws a ray starting at from to from + direction
public static void DrawRay(Ray r)
DrawSphere(Vector4, Single)
Draws a solid sphere with center and radius.
public static void DrawSphere(Vector4 center, float radius)
DrawWireCube(Vector4, Vector4)
Draw a wireframe box with center and size.
public static void DrawWireCube(Vector4 center, Vector4 size)
DrawWireSphere(Vector4, Single)
Draws a wireframe sphere with center and radius.
public static void DrawWireSphere(Vector4 center, float radius)